How to Make AI Think Just Like You

By Dr Itay Gal

AI is becoming a more significant part of our everyday lives, but you must ask for it correctly to get the best results.

Artificial intelligence has become a powerful tool in recent years, and it is used in a wide range of fields, from writing content and creating images to analysing complex data. However, many people are disappointed with AI due to the poor results, which sometimes result in wrong or embarrassing answers.

The problem doesn’t lie with the AI itself but rather with the user, or more specifically, with the command given to the AI. To get the most out of AI, it’s essential to accurately formulate commands, known as “prompts,” accurately. To understand in depth how AI “thinks,” let’s dive into the technology behind it.

A Mind of Its Own

AI is a field aimed at developing systems that mimic human thought processes like learning, understanding, and decision-making for those who haven’t been introduced to it yet. The term “artificial intelligence” was first coined in 1956, and the technology it’s based on relies on models of networks that simulate neurons, mirroring the way the human brain works.

These networks are based on massive amounts of data known as “big data” and “machine learning,” a process where the system continuously learns to improve its performance based on experience and previous data. So, in a few years, AI will look completely different, much more sophisticated, and accurate simply because it learns from itself and you, the users, and improves every second.

AI can use advanced algorithms to learn from this data and infer insights or actions from it. The more data it’s exposed to, the better it gets and the more accurate results it produces.

However, despite its impressive capabilities, AI is still not without errors. The reasons for this include insufficient or inaccurate data and a need for a complete understanding of the unclear instructions from users and their context.

There’s no limit to how AI can be used in everyday life: to write essays, summarise articles, build presentations, upload an exam file and get a complete solution, question by question; to get recipes, get psychological, legal, or medical advice, to photograph objects and get complete information about them, and even to create imaginary images. AI allows you to get an answer to almost any question you can think of.

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