How to Make AI Think Just Like You

By Dr Itay Gal AI is becoming a more significant part of our everyday lives, but you must ask for it correctly to get the best results. Artificial intelligence has become a powerful tool in recent years, and it is used in a wide range of fields, from writing content and creating images to analysing …

The Concept Of Human2Human In The Response To COVID-19

Fernando AlmeidaUniversity of Porto elations between business and consumers have been graduallychanging. The Internet has given empowerment to customers bybecoming a primary channel for contact with businesses (Acar &Puntoni, 2016; Mohammad, 2020). Communication that used to be controlled by organizations is becoming increasingly bi-directional. Nowadays, there is not a clear and unequivocal differentiation about the …

Students’ perception of the potential of elearning practices at the University of Guyana

The University of Guyana, up to the present time, continues to embrace a traditional learning and teaching approach, in its educational practices. Face to face contact is the principal mode of instructional delivery. Further to this, the conventional Distance Education, via the print-based correspondence mode, is still the current trend. Such a method only favours …