Fernando AlmeidaUniversity of Porto elations between business and consumers have been graduallychanging. The Internet has given empowerment to customers bybecoming a primary channel for contact with businesses (Acar &Puntoni, 2016; Mohammad, 2020). Communication that used to be controlled by organizations is becoming increasingly bi-directional. Nowadays, there is not a clear and unequivocal differentiation about the …
Research shows: Online teaching increases feelings of stress among academics
The findings show that, in addition to the possible psychological effects on members of the academic staff, distance education also adversely affects the health aspect of their vocal cords. A new study found that the synchronous online instruction forced on academics in Israel negatively affects their degree of stress, and is also reflected in their …
The digital labor of digital learning
One of the great deceptions of the ‘digital age’ is the idea that digital technologies tend to lessen the need for hard work and generally improve people’s working lives. Technology marketing will often promote the sense that new and exciting things simply get ‘done’ through digital technologies without the need for work at all. At best, most people …