Ecorys working in partnership with Bertelsmann Stiftung have been commissioned by the European Commission’s DG Education and Culture to carry out a study on ‘Adult Learners in Digital Learning Environments’. The overall aim of the study is to contribute to the work of the Commission and Member States in achieving the objectives set out in …
Smart Universities:Education’s Digital Future
Exploring the future of learning. Proceedings of the 2017 World Learning Summit, Kristiansand, Norway. Contributors: Annalisa Morganti, Johannes Konert, Alan Bruce, Terje Gaustad, Eilif Trondsen, Dianah Nampijja, Vladena Jahn, Pauline Vos, Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić, Michael Grimshaw, John Daniel, Janefrances Agbu, Maria-Antònia Guardiola López, David Smith, Esther Tan, Thomas Korner.
An in-depth analysis of adult students in blended environments: Do they regulate their learning in an ‘old school’ way
Separation in time and place during the learning process reduces the ability of teachers to observe their students’ learning behaviours and provide tailored support. This occurs in blended adult education, which challenges students to learn independently. Possessing self- regulation skills is crucial for success in this context. Therefore, the current study aims to address the …