Tesla Motors – Company-Country Report

Introduction This report will analyse the potential success of Tesla Motors to operate in Israel. The concept of this report is that it will be viewed by Tesla decision makers to help them estimate the success of operating in Israel. The report will review cross cultural challenges, relevant theory and the way available public information, …

How Can Teachers Benefit From Recorded Lessons?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This research is trying to cover the pedagogic and content aspects that recorded lessons affect the professional development of teachers and teaching skills. The study tries to establish the need for recorded lessons as a tool for teacher learning and to discuss the advantage and disadvantage of using recorded lessons videos (RLV) as …

HR as a Competitive Advantage In Organisations

β€œTo truly be a strategic business partner, HR professionals must anticipate and articulate both the key HRM opportunities and challenges, and step up as the internal expert to proactively enact and lead change, and demonstrate how HRM is, indeed, the source of sustained competitive advantage.” Introduction In recent years there is an increase in aware …